Bullying 2.0

credits to: https://www.aane.org/rising-above-bullying/

Last December 2018, another bullying incident happened in Ateneo De Manila University, where the video went viral in social media. In the video, it can be seen that Joaquin Montes was bullying helpless students who don’t have the ability to fight him back. Bullying can be associated with significantly serious problems. It is an issue affecting many people in the world today. People who experiences bullying can be mentally scared or even worse they could be killed by themselves.

Bullying is one of the most issues in school. And if some students are being victim of it, they need to do something to help them. They shouldn’t be afraid to speak; they must do something on how to defend themselves. They should report it to the teachers, school officials, parents or to the one that can do actions to avoid that incident, they should report what is happening or what kind of bullying they are experiencing. Because those people can help the victims, they can help the by giving them guidance. Because bullying can give a big impact to the people who are being bullied, it can affect people’s behavior and performance negatively. And the victims of bullying can also face different kinds of traumatic effects. Moreover, it lowers self-esteem and self-confidence of the victims. So they must take actions as well and they need to know how to defend themselves from the people who are abusing their life.

If your child experiences bullying at school, you must act to school, you must act to stop it. Your first thing to do is to talk to your children about what's happening to them inside or outside the school. You must monitor and supervise their actions. Teach them to socialize with other people to have more friends. They must learn to be assertive without being aggressive in standing up for themselves. Always talk and pay attention to them so they won’t feel that they are alone. Learn to listen to your children even if it’s important or not. Keep them away from news or things that can make them stress. Keep an eye to them and social media must be monitored because it can affect your child depressingly.

When a bullying case happens at school, the school officials must take reports of bullying seriously, investigate them, promptly enact safety plans for student targets and monitor these plans to ensure effectiveness and they have to consider whether harassment of students with disabilities may be affecting their right to obtain an appropriate education, if it’s a possibility, administrators need to be especially swift and thorough in terms of enacting safety plans. They can implement (and document implementation of) evidence-based bullying prevention strategies such as training of all teaching and non-teaching staff, train students (who are more likely than adults to directly witness bullying) to serve as teachers’ and administrators’ supplemental “eyes and ears;” and work hard to create a school climate incompatible with bullying, so that everyone in the building takes notice and knows what to do when bullying occurs. School administrators should also be aware that it’s not only the target of bullying or harassment that might bring legal action.

Therefore, the bullying can affects in many ways. Whether the bully, the victims of bullying, and their families. Bullying can make a child’s life or teenager’s life a very bad experience. The bullying happens usually at school and the one being bullied doesn’t bother to tell to anyone because he/she is scared. Bullying must be stop because the longer you’re bullying someone it may lead to death. The consequences they may risk just to avoid this incident. Everyone can make an action if they have seen a case of bullying and don’t afraid to speak up. When you know it’s something bad, you shouldn’t stay quiet when someone is being hurt already.

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