
credits to: https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/issues/bullying

“Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you”. Living to this world full of critics and judgement, many people can’t be happy on what they have in their lives. People who bullies are the ones who are being bullied at first because they seek for attention they never attained. The bullies victimize a person of what makes them different: their race, religion, class, sexual orientation, line of work, fashion sense, weight or your political alignment. Therefore, bullies must be treated special and give them attention because they can ruin their lives and other lives. If we value the friendship with a friend who used to bully us or bullied someone, we can save our relationship with him or her, also saving lives.

When we start to feel uncomfortable, unsure or offended, the chances are something is going on with his/her behavior and how he treat us, whether he is bullying us or not, we always have the right to let the person know you are not okay. Talk to him heart to heart and let him feel that you still cherish the time being with him so this might give him the feeling of sorry for what he has done to you. This may be a good start of a smooth relationship without any room for bullying. Giving a special treatment to the bullies is very important, most of all if he/ she feels along and no one loves them.

Attention given by the love ones, makes everything feels so right to the hearts of everyone. Attention means a time or effort you are willing or to help someone or something because you care about that person. Bullies need to feel the care and affection of those people he/she needs. Giving positive taught and educating more can have a great impact to the bullies. It is very important to them to be positive on their perspective in life. As bullies experience the negative taught in their living, they’re just doing it the same way to the others and that can be start of bullying.

People around them should given the attention and special treatment they are seeking so they can stop. As the people fulfilled their wants and needs, they will no longer be bullies and focus on being the better versions of themselves. This will eliminate someone to become a bully which will spread the awareness of the two versions of the truth of the bullies and the bullies. The bullying cases will result to a low rates of person becoming a bully.

Therefore, people should not give up on them, appreciate their excellent performance and the achievements they have accomplished. But, if bullies can no long control themselves, they must put on a rehabilitation so they recondition their lives. Lecturers tend to focus more on the negatives of bullying and disregard what has caused bullies to become what they are. More research is need, to further understand the causes of bullying and the personal experiences of bullies which could help to extinguish bullying once and for all. What is clear therefore, is there are still high rates of bullying and it has a great impact on someone’s life especially younger ones as it may be one of the barriers that prevent them to shape themselves for the future. To finalize, we shall not judge or look down upon bullies as everyone has different experiences and assuming that they have become bullies for fun should be disregarded. Bullies quickly judge by people as they don’t see the other perspective of life. People having a uniformed opinion about something they don’t understand and proclaiming their opinion as being equally goal is as fast as what is ruining the world. No one wants to do any research, they just want to be right.

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