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Her world was bounded with dim mercurial thought.
When not even you, can be able to see and caught.
The way she had conceived, her expression that has brought;
too much state of loneliness, that no one will ever sought.

She seems to watch the flow; of tears in someone's eyes.
She even tried to listen, with the sob up from her sky;
but still her heart wasn't triggered, didn't even made her sigh.
When it actually aspires to- make her recall how to cry.

To met some strangers, was unlearned since she died.
Wherein life wasn't that taken, but the trust that she'd hide.
Just because of the beasties, who have claimed to be by her side;
Not until she have realized and noticed that she'd been lied.

Longing for something was seemed to be her feeling,
But she act as if someone, for her was just nothing.
Like it will actually disappear, for what's based on her thinking,
When obviously being left; for her, feels like dying.

All of us will wonder, if that lady have been cursed;
For she have unfold the kind of sadness that is worse.
Where no one in this place, will ever dare to explain;
How did that lady live, in the darkness of the forest rain.

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