Stop the race!

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Since people began to trade, individuals have been grouped depending on the various characteristics they possess. Lisa, from a famous KPOP group called Blackpink, received undesirable comments from the KPOP fans that happen to loathe her, because she is not of Korean but of Thai origins, in another instance would be Catriona gray’s nationality that has been questioned by many, since she was part Australian but represented the Philippines in the Miss Universe 2018. The judgmental comments and views of other people about one’s race does not only apply to famous personalities, but also to the common folk. Leading to other issues such as, bullying, body shaming, degradation of one’s self esteem and etcetera. 

 Due to the differences of between races, we can easily distinguish one’s cultural background from another. In the same way by knowing this, we unconsciously raise certain barriers that can affect our future relationship with another race creating the issue of negative racism. Therefore, we ourselves must strive to lessen this, as it is absurd and should be lost in time.
Racism differentiates one culture to another, by this, we could easily know what is within every culture, their practices, learnings and virtues, but because of this, we put a line in between all us, we grade and degrade each other based on what has been heard and seen from online chatrooms, websites and other medium which enable us to communicate and judge each other without further knowing the person.

 Racism has been a major threat to the promotion of world peace and equality. People with such racial behavior think of themselves as the superior beings, treating people with other races differently, even being called an outsider is too light to consider as racism. Despite of the government trying to protect the rights of people being mistreated because of their race, there are still people experiencing this horrendous mistreatment. Creuza Oliveira is the first to mention. At work, she would get beaten and taunted whenever she breaks something, called names such as “monkey” or “nigger”. She was not even paid for her service. Khalid Hussain, as a young boy living in Bangladesh, has experienced discrimination during his education. At the private school, the Bihari students were treated as a race apart. "I remember my first day of school. All the Bengali students were looking at us as if we were strangers and they were whispering to each other that we are Bihari and that we live in dirty camps…We were marginalised in the classroom and we had to sit in a separate row," said Hussain.
In another case, in a research by Clark University and UC Riverside found out that Racism affects even young kids mental and behavioural health, after being exposed and thought about the children’s background, the children themselves said in an interview what and the reasons why must they know about one’s ethnicity. Due to this, they learn their differences, some of them became more diverse, however, some of them also started to put barriers around. Because of this, cases of bullying arose. A child may and could feel as if he or she is different from another, making him or her anxious and depressed, thus not making him socialize and develop accordingly. with side effects such as negative racism, we tend to stereotype, and to group others with their types, and to group ourselves with our own. Because of this, we looked at each other as if we were lifeless things, things that rate them and ourselves as Asians, Black, White, Hispanics and etcetera. Making us, mindless, corrupt and inhuman.

Racism can happen in different individuals. A former MTV VJ, Belinda Panelo, experienced racial discrimination in the united states when an American woman yelled, harassed and asked question about her race. It wasn’t the first time Filipinos experienced racial discrimination. A Filipina and her husband became a target when they were at the grocery store at Daly, city. An old woman slammed in their faces that they are stealing their jobs and should go back to the Philippines.

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